8 Strategies to Reclaim Control over Imposter Syndrome

"Don't compare your start to someone else's middle." These profound words from Jon Acuff have resonated with me since the moment I first heard them.

Recently, while working with a client, we delved into the depths of her imposter syndrome.

Imposter syndrome, defined as ‘the persistent inability to believe that one's success is deserved or genuinely achieved through one's own efforts or skills’, is something I can personally relate to. I have spent countless hours comparing myself to others, plagued by feelings of inadequacy and the fear of being exposed as a fraud. Can you relate?

But then, a realisation struck me —comparison is the thief of joy. Each person is on their unique journey, and it's important to remember that those we compare ourselves to were once in our shoes. While they may be further along, instead of comparing ourselves to them, we can learn from their experiences and emulate their successful strategies. After all, as Tony Robbins wisely said, "Success leaves clues."

Allow me to share a personal anecdote that affirmed my self-worth. I had the opportunity to co-present a goals workshop with a renowned Australian author. I won't deny feeling utterly intimidated by the situation. However, as we shared the stage and ran the workshop together, something amazing happened. One of the attendees sent me an email that filled my heart:

"Meeting you and listening to your story shared so thoughtfully and honestly truly inspired me. I took away so much from that day, but one thing stood out: 'Don't compare your start with someone else's middle.' Sue, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for taking the time to speak with me after the workshop and for giving me mantras that ignite my passion once again. You possess not only immense talent but also kindness, authenticity, and approachability that set you apart from others."

Inspired by this and other similar experiences over the years, here are eight strategies to help you conquer imposter syndrome, presented in no particular order:

1. Remind yourself that comparisons often involve individuals who are already ahead in their journey.

2. Instead of comparing, focus on copying or imitating successful strategies.

3. Practice self-kindness and silence your inner critic. Shift your attention to what's good about you.

4. Release the pursuit of perfection, recognizing that it's an illusion. Remember, done is better than perfect.

5. Embrace mistakes as valuable learning opportunities. Mistakes are our best teachers and are the stepping stones to growth.

6. Create an "I AM AWESOME FILE" filled with testimonials, reviews, and accolades from clients. Turn to it whenever you need to break free from the imposter pattern.

7. Avoid overworking to compensate for feelings of inadequacy. Remember that putting in extra hours is not the solution.

8. Initiate an achievement board to capture and celebrate your proud moments and accomplishments.

By implementing these strategies, you can start to reclaim control over your imposter syndrome.

Believe in your capabilities, embrace your journey, and celebrate the unique qualities that make you who you are. Remember, you are more than enough.

You've got this.

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